速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Cover art Extractor

Cover art Extractor



檔案大小:22.7 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.9 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Cover art Extractor(圖1)-速報App

Have to save all the beautiful Cover art that are present in your Music or Movie Collection?

Cover art Extractor extracts the Artwork/Poster present in media files and saves them as images.

● Supports basically any media file that contains a Cover art.

Cover art Extractor(圖2)-速報App

● Loss-Less Extraction

● Blazing fast.

● Batch Extract. With a single click extract all the Cover art present in your entire collection.

Cover art Extractor(圖3)-速報App

Questions/Suggestions - Please use the contact form at www.nacentApps.com/contact.html.

Cover art Extractor(圖4)-速報App